2006/2005 Team Registration
CONGRATULATIONS! On behalf of Dr. Albert Quashie, DDS, Touch Kings FC Club President, and our entire Touch Kings FC staff, we invite you to join the Touch Kings FC boys’ 2006/2005 team for the 2023-24 seasonal year.
The final team budget for the 2023-24 seasonal year and curriculums will be sent out to families (via TeamSnap) on Monday, June 12th. Introduction of the assigned Head Coach for this team plus Q&A session will also be scheduled via zoom on Teamsnap.
Once the final budget is distributed, families will be required to make their first payment for the 2023-24 seasonal year within 30 days. Based on your team, there will be options for monthly payments, full year payment with a 10% discount, or seasonal payment. Payments will begin once you receive final notification from the club regarding the start date of Fall 2023 season. At signing, a $250 deposit is requested to reserve your roster spot.
Included in the estimated budget costs are all the following except the Uniform kits and training kits:
- League Fees (EDP) and referee fees
- Carding
- Winter leagues and training facilities
- Tournaments
- Coaching Fees
- Club Fees – administrative and field fees
- Touch Kings FC yearly player registration fee.
The Tough Kings FC Boys team will train all year round with Fall 2024 starting the week of August 14th. Players are expected to participate in all team training, games, and tournaments. Absence from 60% of these activities without proper communication with coaches could result in removal of player from the team and forfeiture of your payments. If you have concerns/questions about the budget, please contact Touch Kings FC Director at TouchKingsFC@gmail.com to discuss aforementioned financial options available for the 2023-24 seasonal year. Touch Kings FC is committed to working with families to ensure that all players have the ability to play.
If you have any other inquiries or would like to discuss anything further, don’t hesitate to contact us!
“1..2..3 TouchKings………4….5……6…..Family!”
Next Steps For All Players
TeamSnap: On Monday, June 12th, TeamSnap invitation will be sent to reflect team rosters for 2023/24 soccer calendar year. All returning and new players will see immediate summer plans for each team. I.e. (practice dates/days, location, time, etc). Returning parents will either need to log out of TeamSnap, log back in, or refresh by pulling the screen down on the home tab. TKFC, will be Utilizing TeamSnap as a method of communication for all teams.
Uniforms: All Uniform orders will be done online at WWW.TOUCHKINGS.COM. (TKFC Store). When placing your uniform order, you can access your player assigned jersey number on TeamSnap. TKFC online store will open on Friday, June 16th, for all fall season uniform orders. It is crucial that all parents place orders in a timely fashion. Teams will potentially open fall season with kickoff tournaments. TKFC Store will also have fan gear for youth and parents.
Invoicing: All registration deposits will be applied to each player’s annual charge. Team invoices, method of payment, and due date information will be communicated on Teamsnap, Monday, June, 12th.
What’s New At TKFC:
1. Sports Performance Training for all 9v9 and 11v11 teams.
2. Film Study and Tactical session for all 9v9 and 11v11 teams.
3. Tues/Thursday Group Training Session
4. Summer 2023 (5 Week Elite Soccer Camp). All details and registration are online
5. Winter Futsal for 7v7 Teams.
Birth Year (2010-2016)
- 7 Week Program. 2x a week 1.5hrs. Monday & Wednesday. Start Date 6/19 End Date: 8/2/23. Time: Between 7:00-8:30pm.
- Summer group training will consist of technical training on Mondays and open play 7v7, 9v9 games on Wednesdays at Troy Park.
Birth Year (2009-2006/05)
- 7 Week Program. 2x a week 1.5 hours. Friday and Sunday only. Times 6pm-9pm Start Date: 6/23 End Date 8/11/23.
- Team will be assigned once a week sports performance training (introduction to strength and conditioning) at UVU Sports Performance and once a week club player only 7v7 games at Bowie High School.
Location: UVU Sports Performance Elkridge/Bowie High School
Code of Conduct
Expectations of All Touch Kings FC Players:
As a Touch Kings FC player, you have made a commitment to yourself, your teammates, your coaches, your parents, and the club. You have a responsibility to always represent Touch Kings FC in a positive fashion. We are committed to the long-term development of the youth soccer player as a well-rounded athlete and productive, respected member of society.
As a member of Touch Kings FC, I shall…
- Train and play to the best of my abilities, demanding excellence from myself on and off the field of soccer.
- Have a positive attitude and never quit
- Respect my coach, teammates, parents, and opponents with no taunting
- Respect officials and accept their decision without question
- Only give positive encouragement to fellow teammates
- Arrive prepared for all games and training sessions with proper mental attitude
- Arrive prepared for all games and training sessions wearing proper game and training gear
- Notify the coach of any injuries or discomfort
- Learn to obey the laws of the game, the team, and the club
- Notify the coach or team manager if I will be tardy or unable to attend practice, game, or team meeting as soon as the information is available, understanding that soccer is a team sport and absences from practice or games may hurt the team.
- Accept victory and defeat with dignity
- Work to promote a model of a top soccer athlete: good skills, sound fundamentals, clean
and fair play.
Further, I will never…
- Allow my enthusiasm and commitment to soccer to override my responsibilities to my education
- Use profane or vulgar language
- Leave the field or a session without the permission of the coach
- Use controlled substances unless prescribed by a physician
- Forget that I represent Touch Kings FC
Good behavior from parents/supporters helps ensure a positive sports experience for every athlete. It is important to put the emotional and physical well-being of youth participants ahead of a personal desire to win.
As a Touch Kings FC Parent/Supporter, I shall…
- Remember that I am there for the participants to enjoy the game.
- Lead by example, respecting all players, coaches, officials, spectators, and families at all times.
- Respect the decisions of officials or coaches.
- Not engage in any violence or verbal threats or use any profanity.
- Never ridicule mistakes or losses and always understand that I am there to support, not downgrade
- Model good sportsmanship for all youth participants.
- Not belittle or ridicule anyone involved in a Club match – in public, private, in-person, or online.
- Acknowledge that an open line of communication exists between coaches and parents, but coaches must be given the opportunity to coach their players to the best of their ability
- Do my part to keep sports fun and positive for every youth participant.
- Raise personal concerns with club officials over player play and/or performance through proper private channels
- Understand that the Club reserves the right to take any necessary disciplinary actions including the suspension and banning where warranted of any players, parents and or spectators for repeated or serious breaches of these Codes of Conduct.