Coaches are key to establishing and upholding the ethics in soccer. Their concept of ethics and their attitude directly affects the behavior of players under their supervision. Coaches are, therefore, expected to pay particular care to the moral aspect of their conduct.

Coaches have to be aware that almost all of their everyday decisions and choices of actions have ethical implications. It is natural that winning constitutes a basic concern for coaches.

This code is not intended to conflict with that; however, the code calls for coaches to disassociate themselves from a “win-at-all-costs” attitude. Increased responsibility is requested from coaches involved in coaching young people. The health, safety, welfare and moral education of young people are a first priority, before the achievement or the reputation of the club, school, coach or parent.

  • Coaches must respect the rights, dignity and worth of every person and treat each equally within the context of the sport, regardless of gender, place of origin, color, sexual orientation, political belief or economic status.

  • Coaches must place the well-being and safety of each player above all other considerations, never placing the value of winning over the safety and welfare of the players.

  • Coaches must adhere to all guidelines laid down by governing bodies. Coaches must direct comments or criticism at performance rather than the athlete. Coaches must not exert undue influence to obtain personal benefit or reward.

  • Coaches must encourage and guide players to accept responsibility for their own behavior and performance.

  • Coaches must ensure that the activities they institute are appropriate for the age, maturity, experience and ability of players.

  • Coaches must abstain from the use of tobacco products and alcohol while in the presence of athletes.

  • Coaches must co-operate fully with other specialists (e.g. other coaches, officials, sports scientists, doctors, physiotherapists) in the best interests of the player.

  • Coaches must always promote the positive aspects of the sport (e.g. fair play) and never condone violations of the Laws of the Game, behavior contrary to the spirit of the Laws of the Game or relevant rules and regulations or the use of prohibited substances or techniques.

  • Coaches must consistently display high standards of behavior and appearance. Coaches must not use or tolerate inappropriate language. Coaches must regularly seek ways of increasing professional development and continuing coaching education.

MSYSA believes parents play a vital role in the development of youth athletes. Unfortunately, many parents, fans, and coaches don’t realize that their actions, whether verbal or non verbal, positive or negative, can have a lasting emotional effect on youth. Parent behavior can directly affect the behavior of their players and the overall attitude of team families. In order to ensure that the principles of sportsmanship, fair play, and mutual respect among players, coaches, officials, and spectators the following Parent Code of Conduct has been established by the MSYSA Executive Committee. The standards of behavior identified in this code are not intended to be exhaustive. The participants should be aware that any behavior not specifically described herein but failing to meet the spirit and intent of this code may subject those involved to disciplinary action.

  • Demonstrate a positive and respectful attitude toward players, parents, coaches and officials x Encourage the definition of success by measuring development of skills not by wins or losses

  • Demonstrate knowledge of the rules of the game and teach others

  • Promote appropriate behavior

  • Never use abusive or insulting language

  • Refrain from any activity or conduct that may be detrimental or reflect adversely upon their team, club, league or MSYSA

  • Never place the value of winning before the safety and welfare of all players

  • Support the coaches and officials working with the players

  • Comply with rules, policies, and procedures of the team, club, league and MSYSA

  • Allow and trust the coaching staff to perform to the full extent of their coaching abilities without hindrance from personal or family members’ opinions

  • If concerns need to be addressed to the coach, I will address him/her at an appropriate time and place and never before, during or immediately after a match.

  • By participating in any MSYSA Program you understand and agree that any failure to abide by the aforementioned rules and guidelines may result in disciplinary action against you. You also agree to abide by the policies and procedures set forth by USSF, USYSA, and MSYSA. It is furthermore understood and agreed that MSYSA specifically reserves the right to impose disciplinary action as appropriate based upon the circumstances of the violation.